As a telephone number, +1 represents the North American Numbering Plan - which covers much of the English-speaking Caribbean as well as Canada, the US and its possessions. It's much like the "+1" concept in event invitations - you want to invite Canada, but they won't come unless you let them bring their loud, obnoxious neighbor as a "+1".
Life was so much simpler before the phone companies found computers. Instead of singing "PEnnsylvania 6-5000" all of the musicians stand up and call out "+1-212-736-5000" now? Where's the tradition in that?
by bitchuck September 23, 2023
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Common typo among people who like to insert many exclamation points to the end of a sentence, caused by accidentally releasing the Shift key before the 1 key, and sending the message without previewing it to realize the typo had been made.

Often used on purpose to make fun of such accidents and the people who make them, or as part of leetspeak.

A similar but less-joked-about occurrence is the tendency to insert backslashes after a string of question marks.
I DON'T BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!!!11111

ARE YOU JOKING????????///
by CtrlAltDestroy August 17, 2005
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Giving credit for something, usually a line of dialogue, use of a word in a particular situation, or a concept. Giving props to the person you just quoted. Popularized in 90's Usenet newsgroup lingo, still used occasionally by old schoolers in the know.
so I said to him, 'if you ain't talkin' to me, who the fuck are you talin' to?" ($1 DeNiro)

Screw you guys, I'm goin home. ($1 Cartman)

So of course, while the car is stalled in the intersection, don't I get cited for obstructing a fire truck. ($1 Murphy's Law)

by OldFart77 November 29, 2007
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Used by forum posters when a person agrees with a point. Sometimes used incorrectly when referring to one's postcount going up.
by JiTek May 19, 2008
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A sideways-style text smiley. The colon represents the eyes, and the one represents a straight-forward mouth. The line's dent(s) at the tip(s) represents the curve of a lip.
It's used to show that you're neutral when it comes to what you're saying or reading. Not happy. Not upset. Just regular.
Ramon: How are you today? ^_^
Jacky: I am content :1
Harold: My kitty Fluffy died! ;_;
Jacky: Oh. :1 Sorry.
Jacky: Negative. :1
by ShrewDude November 1, 2007
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Happens when a careless internet queen gets excited and types too much.
by Ben April 22, 2005
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