A thing, idea, or whatever that is done/used only because other people do it. Douche fad is used as a negative term, because it implies that people that are part of a douche fad cannot think for themselves or be themselves.

If you see a lot of people doing one thing that really annoys you, and can see that if only one person did it it would make that person look like a total idiot, it is probably a douche fad.

Understand that not all fads are douche fads. "That's what she said" is not because if used properly, it is genuinely funny. Other fads are cool too.
Examples of douche fads include:

Wearing your pants so low your boxers/thong is showing

Using overly used words like "awkward" (<--especially when it is misused) and "creeper". "Ignorant" also fits into this category

Doing the cool walk
by NJBoyy January 31, 2009
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One who asks an incredibly stupid question for no apparent reason. This term is the only way fit to describe such folk.
Dude, you are such a douche wobbler. I am happy I'm not your friend anymore.
by tehmayor September 23, 2010
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A non-verbal cue given to express disappointment, disapproval, dislike, or general disdain. aka a dirty look.
The guy just stood there on his porch with his arms crossed and gave me the douche eye.

My wife didn't have to say anything when I said I wanted to go out with the guys. I knew the answer when she gave me the Douche Eye.
by bktscrambler October 6, 2009
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Term for someone who agrees to attend some sort of social occasion and backs out for some lame reason.
Luke: You coming to that party tonight man?
Robert: Nah man, gotta stay home and get baked.
Luke: What an excuse-douche.
by Woofsalot April 12, 2014
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Place where doucehbags are created. Typically colleges with big frat and sorority populations. After these "people" are created, we suffer the consequences.

Wow, Florida State is quite a douche farm.
by Malpaso March 2, 2009
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When someone is the stupidest, most sightless douchebag you have ever seen.
Verne Lundquist is the world's largest Douche Magoo
by The original Kat November 9, 2014
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An asshole step dad who tries to control you even though he's totally not your dad.
Friend: Hey you should totally come to the party with us!
Me: Sorry man my step-douche has grounded me

Friend: What why?
Me: He thinks he can fucking control me
by I.have.no.life97 September 29, 2017
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