Really insulting word for fugly
Guy-“You see my ex yeah she was butters”.
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a ingredient for many foods stupid
can you hand me the butter?, because i want to make some cake.
by xXDragonMasterXx November 24, 2020
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butters means like something mingin (gross/ disgusting)
Jamie: " oi fam try these new sweets init from that sweet shop."
*eats sweet*
Harry: " nah bro them sweets are bare butters ya know what I'm sayin like."
by BigBrownieInit February 4, 2017
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This term is mostly used in the UK when you want to say if someone is looking very pretty or beautiful. Used as a compliment
James: Ayo chantelle ur looking mad butters today styll
Chantelle: Aw thanks b
by mad1styll April 1, 2022
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when you pour hot melted popcorn butter on your lady's tits.
woman: "what the hell? wrf did you just burn me?"
man: "f yeah I just made me some butter tits"
by summer_ass_cheese August 12, 2022
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