someone with a million subscribers who records themselves playing minecraft.
Guy 1: my uncle is a pedophile
Guy 2: I'm sorry WHAT
Guy 1: he plays minecraft
Guy 2: ohhh okay
by Tuuner June 29, 2023
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Pedophiles are people who are crazy and uses kids to be their Gf/bf even when they're 6,7,8,9,10 older....
My ex's new gf is a pedophile

Just because he's tall she dates him with no worries sheessshhh what a person.
by Shushhhh November 23, 2021
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an 18 year old boy that likes to date and talk to children.
Damien Bradley is a pedophile because all he does is find excitement in talking and datinv little girls... WEIRD !!
by a girl witnessing it all happe November 24, 2018
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Darrius is waiting to prounce on those little boys, because he's a pedophile
by Quinton hew June 8, 2023
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