Has been a whirlwind of a craze in recent years...What you do right, is dress like your going for a run with a hood and baseball cap (baseball bat is optional), or in the girls case dress in your pj's like your going to bed. You stand around on a street corner, and shout abuse at anyone who looks different to you. That particular street corner seems to have a magnet on it as more and more chavs are drawn to that area... Of course you can't go any further than this street corner because of your ASBO... This area becomes otherwise abandoned, people live in fear of being beaten up, and are so intimidated they stay clear of their town centre almost completely. No one dares venture out on a Friday night, if they have any sense, as you get underage kids drinking and smoking, talking about how many birds they shagged in the last week. the girls are dressed like complete and utter sluts,(with skirts so short, your suprised they even bothered to wear one) who only recently discovered there was more use for their private parts than just taking a piss... They are now taking the piss by wearing more make up and wearing more fake bling than a cheap vietnemese whore in a gold spray factory. Often leave school early to pursue a career in shelf stacking.
If your not part of the chavs, your not part of the problem.
by dog bin today April 26, 2006
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The plague that is spreading across the UK. The male Chav is typically stick thin, with hips wider than his shoulders, short red or blonde hair plastered with obscene amounts of gel, and a deformed mug which looks at least a decade beyond his years. He decks himself in cheap flammable sportswear, white trainers, and a cap which is usually far too large for his pin-head.

The Chav hag is usually obscenely overweight and grotesquely ugly. She decks herself in tracksuits that resemble pajamas. She think's that she's "hot" and thus pulls her thongs up to her 40-inch waistline.

Above all, the Chav is notable for it's bizarre form of speach. Resembling something between gollum and a mentally retarded infant. Though the Chav possesses great knowledge of expletives, it's vocabulary is otherwise limited.

Chavs can often be found lurking outside the local chippy, in children's play areas, at bus shelters, and in pub car parks.
Typical conversation of two chavs.

Chav Turner: Alrite? I was down the pub the uva nite rite, had a fite, had some wite lite, took a shite.

Chav Jason: You is well ard innit!

by Ctophers October 7, 2007
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Easily recognisable by their Nike Shox trainers in absurd colours, football socks pulled up to the knees with Nike tracksuit bottoms tucked into them, a fake Rocksport jacket from off the market and a burberry cap off the back of a lorry ( also fake). You will also notice their funny walk as they are weighed down by the amount of fake jewelery purchased from the Argos catalogue. Older chavs are found not on the street corners, but on the roads in souped up Novas with their neon lights and floor scraping body kits which max out at 30mph! They have also been known to ride absurdly stupid mini motos. If you are aproached by a chav, do NOT back away. Advance quickly and shout random big words at him or them. With the weight of their jewelry dragging them down, its a simple case of loading your M-16 and blasting away.
Noo man not mi burbray cap, cost mi a fiva oof the market
by Web December 30, 2005
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A new form of vermin that is common in the U.K. Chavs wear loads of fake jewellry in a vain attempt to look wealthy or "gangsta" They also wear burberry baseball caps, branded clothes and tracksuits(even in the summer). They often spend time hanging around outside McDonalds, drinking crappy cider and saying stupid random things to passers by. They'e the main focus of my aggression at this point. Chav stands for "Council house affaliated vermin". Their language consists of words like "sick", and "innit blud" and "brruuup" and "bear pussy" and other such nonsense. Chavs should be gotten rid of and fast.
Fuckin Chavs, blobking up macdonlads, saying annoying things to you when you pass by, drive crappy cars, listen to crappy music, I HATE CHAVS!!!

Everyone who likes Chavs, Start digging some Chav holes - and make them gas proof...
by chavsuck May 9, 2006
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Will be on benefits, Someone who robs old ladies, Does not know what a word above 4 letters reads, Cannot talk or spell in proper English, Has no GCSE's, Cannot spell their own name, Waste of space, Always wears a tracksuit, Is a dick and
Lives on an estate
Normal Person: Your a Chav
Chav: Brap!
by ihateallchavs January 25, 2009
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Everyone has seen at least one - they have the 'fur' trimmed hoods to their coats and have the appaling makeup (bright blue rings round their eyes and big black mascara clumps). The male one's look just as bad, with the same coats and they gel their hair into spikes and try and look "well 'ard" as I believe the term is.
They drive around with their stereo so loud you can't hear anything else (including jet englines) over the top, and their car seat so far back they can't see over the dash or even the steering wheel. They drive the crapest, cheapest cars going (usually with two strips down the middle and under lights and spoilers and cat - killer exhausts) it is amazing the cars don't break down every ten miles.
They attempt to look intimidating by standing at street corners and practising faces that would make them look so much better if only the wind changed direction... Infact the girls look like prostitutes (many of them are, but you'd have to be really desperate) and the guys look either like complete prats or poofs. If they don't intimidate you when you walk past them they throw bricks through your windows and believe ASBO'S to be cool.
These are people who should be shot, unfortunately they tend to be 'popular' at school I don't know why.
Wayne Rooney and his missus are chavs. So are most popstars...
by anti - chav December 7, 2006
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People that are usually fat, wear tracksuits and refuse to learn. I wonder why chavs wear tracksuits/ hoodies since they never bother excersising anyway. What do chavs love? Standing around McDonalds in groups, talking in some form of advanced gibberish (e.g safe, Innit). They also think they are "gangsta", therefore wear loads of chunky and gold jewelry. They are usually uneducated and have serious behavior problems, therefore they will get a simple job like serving up food at McDonalds or becoming a Plumber. Their entertainment is simple: Watching TV/ playing videogames, and honestly, what kind of chav would be complete without beer?
You will usually find a couple of chavs standing by McDonalds with their slutty girlfriends and wearing hoodies.
by Katherine-Evie-K December 16, 2007
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