The labia majora and other skin surrounding the vagina. Usually discolored and resembles an axe wound.
Guy 1: I was fucking Jonathan’s mom last night and her snatch was all flappy.
Guy 2: Sounds like she’s got some oyster leather!
by Spare change poontang March 25, 2018
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Civilized non-Bro friend: need to find a younger chick, fam
by The Golbez May 23, 2018
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Another Word for LSD (lysergic acid)
Yo dude we should do some fruit leather
ooh yes I LOVE fruit leather
by cyberwar March 2, 2018
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sober AF. Have you ever seen a drunken leather couch? Didn't think so.
"We can make our own Tuesday parties! Shots for every NBCOT question you get right."
"I'd be sober as a leather couch, lets use cookies as incentives."
by jazzyj19 December 18, 2018
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Someone who aspires to be a police officer or fantasizes about being one and who will go to great lengths to make others think they are an officer despite not actually being one.
"These security guards are a bunch of leather sniffers that will never graduate the academy"
by Berdoky May 7, 2020
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Girl: "I have the clap"
Boy: "it's cool, I have a leather dick"
by Snowflakediver April 17, 2016
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