a particularly raunchy fart that makes the buttcheeks smack together in an unpleasant flapping noise
Did you hear that flapper? He must have shit his pants!
by Krazy K December 22, 2002
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A slut; one who is open for business, alternately, one with a fishy-smelling vagina and pungent stank.
Guy #1: "Man, I got with this total flapper last night..."
Guy #2: "Oh, yeah?"
Guy #1: "Yeah, I couldn't get the smell off of my fingers for several days."
by ljodnster April 3, 2011
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a slang word used to call someone of slagish orientation. Someone who is a slapper. Slag.
by Georgina Williams June 14, 2008
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A really fat naked woman who's vagina is flapping every time she moves
Omg look at her flapper you can climb right inside
by Wheres my dad May 4, 2018
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Someone who talks shit & says things that they know & YOU know will never happen.
"If I knew it was your birthday I totally would have made you a cake or something"......whatever, don't make yourself LOOK like you MIGHT be a good person when your just a "FLAPPER"
by Stef G May 14, 2006
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An annoying fucking habit,used mostly
by women who have to flap their fucking
hands around when they speak.What the
fuck is that gesture supposed to be?Do
you know how fucking stupid that looks
when you talk to someone and their fucking claws are flying all the fuck over the place?Put your fucking hands
in your fucking pocket,if you don't
know what the fuck to do with them.
I didn't know what the fuck she was saying,she was too busy flapping her
fucking hands all the fuck over like a
fucking two legged windmill.
by Getch July 18, 2005
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The genetalia of washed up movie starlettes from the 40's that had attended one too many speak-easy's during their careers.
Picky? Are you kidding me? One more drink in me and I'd settle on a flapper!
by Dylan March 8, 2005
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