A dissmisive way to describe vaginal, oral or anal RAPE.

Rape is a crime.

The only 'surprise' should be the punishment by law the rapist receives for this crime.

Some examples below:
I surprised sex on her while she was asleep.

I shoved my cock in her mouth as a treat. She gagged and tried to back away.

She thought I was giving it her in her pussy, but I went up her arse and pretended I didn't know the difference.
by freakshow July 1, 2005
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Just say 'No!' to surprise-sex; Men can stop surprise-sex; He experienced surprise-sex while in the mental hospital as a kid (see Tove).
by Piggy Noles October 7, 2003
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Its like when a dude is out at the bar (Eric) and then ends up taking a girl home for some odd reason. Then the next morning when she wakes up and rolls over he yells....SURPRISE
"Hey man how did last night go"?
"Ohh not bad, I was able to get some surprise sex"
by Breton January 2, 2008
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Surprise, here is my cock or other object inside of you. This is only enjoyed in the aspects of consent. It's best if accompanied by a loud, "surprise mufucka!"

Rape is not surprise sex and is not fun. It is criminal and rapists should be put down.
My lover really enjoyed our surprise sex session the other day! Thanks for the tip Frederick!
by Eli schvetzel June 23, 2018
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A hero for the new world, he brings about peace through the ancient art of Surprise Sex. His true identity remains a secret.
Oh My God, that guy was just attacked by the Surprise Sex Ninja.
by Innocent Bystander September 11, 2004
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Some fool with a t-shirt on his head, runs around and violates people (usually men).
Random Person 1: Cool look, a Ninja costume.
Random Person 2: That's the Surprise Sex Ninja.
Random Person 1: Why is he dry humping that guy's ass?
by Lacrox September 19, 2004
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