3 definitions by Lacrox

Some fool with a t-shirt on his head, runs around and violates people (usually men).
Random Person 1: Cool look, a Ninja costume.
Random Person 2: That's the Surprise Sex Ninja.
Random Person 1: Why is he dry humping that guy's ass?
by Lacrox September 19, 2004
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n : A superhero character created by comicbook writer Ben Edlund. The Tick comic spawned an animated TV series (1994-1997) and a short lived live-action series (2001).

The Tick was characterized by his blue costume, a never-say-die attitude, his child like personality, an unyeilding definition of justice and his need to uphold it. His superpowers consisted of nigh-invulnerability and super-human strength. His main catch phrase was "SSSSPPPPOOOONNNN".

His main ally was Arthur (Mothman) who had the ability to fly, but he also teamed up with Speak (The Furry, Moist Avenger) who was a Mexican Capybara and Little Wooden Boy a little wooden boy The Tick carved himeself. Other superheros in the Tick universe are American Maid, Die Fledermaus and Sewer Urchin. Supervillians he battled included Chairface Chippendale, Dinosaur Neil and the Swedish Army.
Tick: And so, may Evil beware and may Good dress warmly and eat lots of fresh vegetables.

Tick: Everybody was a baby once, Arthur. Oh, sure, maybe not today, or even yesterday. But once. Babies, chum: tiny, dimpled, fleshy mirrors of our us-ness, that we parents hurl into the future, like leathery footballs of hope. And you've got to get a good spiral on that baby, or evil will make an interception.
by Lacrox December 29, 2005
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Possibly the greatest game of all time, unfortunatley only has Japanese songs.
Lacrox: Man, can we go play some Drummania now.
Friend: Dude, all you ever do is play that game, don't you have drums at home anyway?
Lacrox: Yeah, but they don't light up and show videos of cartoon characters dancing to the music.
by Lacrox September 19, 2004
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