One who has great aim for the target that lies between a woman's legs.
That guy Wil, he's one successful snooch sniper.
by Extra Josh March 15, 2009
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An expression deemed only to those situations worthy of a stoner's complete gratification. Similar to when people say "Hell ya" or "Shitzchea" all terms used extensively to show great pleasure in a certain action or on hearing an idea. A term even when yelled, is said in a very calm and layed back manner.
A: "Yo, I just found your dimebag behind the couch"
B: "Snooch to the Nooch...."
Of course other words are sometimes added to the term such as "biotch"
"Snooch to the Nooch Biotch......"
by Divye Sharma January 2, 2004
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An exclamation of supreme excellence used for any thing that deserve it. Started by the god of weed himself, or Blunt Man as some have come to know him, Jay from the weedtastic duo or Jay and Silent Bob.
After buying some "hella Kronic" one might say to his fellow comrade," I just got some hella Kronic. Snooch to the Nooch."
by special_k December 29, 2003
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a suspicious looking character, closely related to a hobo, that lacks overall substance and smells like ass and dirty penis.
"That guy you just met, he's such a doody-snooche. Hope you didn't get chlamydia."

"That doody-snooche robbed me. Smelly motha fucka!"
by stage five shocka rocka April 18, 2010
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snooch, pound, fuck, pussy, vagina, cunt, snatch, cooch, cooter, twat, beaver, muff, poontang, poon, hot box,
Dude, that girl is SO hot, I want to "pound the snooch"!
by RoninDH July 4, 2006
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A smoothie made from sweaty T. rex jizz, that instantly cools when it hits the back side of your ass after a woolly mammoth rides you to your Eskimo cousins house ;)
*Sid the sloth* “where’d manny go” ?
*Manny the mammoth* “hey Sid wanna smoothie.”
*sid* “yes daddyyyyyy!”
*Manny* “thicc or smooth?
Sid neither, I want dat gooch snooch!
Manny heeeeeeel yes
by Thehackiasack69690 April 19, 2019
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sometimes used as a war cry, for example when saving women from attack by demons outside abortion clinics.
Bethany: Aaaahhhhhhh!
Stygians: Wtf?
by Dr. Heywood R. Floyd March 8, 2008
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