would generaly mean a spliff in literal form,tho could often be the abrieve of runtache,which covers prity much all forms of weed before the recting phase. see also,rect and rais.
"im gaspin man,i havnt had a runt all day". or, "yo,my dealers been busted. know anyone who can sort me some runt?"
by daVilse April 27, 2004
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small and petit, not midgit or dwarf..just small
that girl is a runt. she is about 5'0"-5'4"
by kris hill clemons fujin February 13, 2005
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a guy that can slipstream his genitlia into a butera
The other day while taking someone to the airport and being bit in the neck by a rattle snake the chauffer was runtied.
by john doe December 2, 2003
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A term describing the point at which a cigar, or blunt can no longer be smoked. This is past the "roach" phase.
Ex. 1

"Man, I smoked it down to the runt."

Ex. 2

homie 1: "Man what happened to pass the blunt?"
homie 2: "My bad man, you still want it?"
homie 3: "No. It ain't nothin but a runt left."
by Mr. Reality Music February 21, 2008
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The penis that is always at the end of the line and ignored, just like a runt in the animal pack. This penis tends to be weaker, with a much smaller frame and head. He does not produce sperm.
Jonathon Hodgeson has a small dick, he has a runt
by Tim Johnson May 25, 2007
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Stupid candy that makes gay noises when dropped, and bounces in a sonar pattern
"La ta ta ta-ta-ta-ta-ta ta ta-ta said the Runt"
by Mac November 1, 2003
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