female genatalia, hot chick
she is one hot punani, as used in modern day south africa
by bob mcgee May 18, 2005
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Another word for a vagina, a term which is used in a silly tone.

Pronounced: poo-nan-ee
Person 1: Hehehe, punani.

Person 2: Yeah, lol.
by nunChaKu May 5, 2007
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A vagina or pussy. The word "punany" is usually used by a male while he is being pleasured by the female.
In the movie the sweetest thing..."I've never had any complaints in the punany odor departament!"
by romeo November 23, 2003
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Another word of “pussy,” “vagina,” or “coochie.”
Chelsea’s punani really reeks of fish today.
by j_osephs December 9, 2018
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Female genetals.
Also see AliG Poontang pussy.
You getting any punani?
by louis October 18, 2001
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The female vagina.
Can also be used to descrive a male who is a whimp.
Man I was all up in her punany last night bro.
by G oman January 8, 2006
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Womens vaginal area
best thing ever made
you gotta get that punani tho like its a must
yo my chicks punani was tight
i tore my wife's punani the fuck up
she b lettin other chicks eat her punani
by professor chaossssss July 11, 2008
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