1. The hardest and lowest paid, but most rewarding job in the world.

2. A intimate, familiar, and loving name to be called (by your kids).
1. Of course I work, I'm a mom! And I have another job, too!

2. When you go through these hateful phases, I just remember the first time you called me "Mom", and it doesn't hurt so bad.
by radiofox June 24, 2005
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The Best person ever. She is always caring for others and not being selfish . She never stops being a resource of comfort and emits a glow of love . Anybody would be extremely lucky to have her as a mom .
She is so caring she must be a mom
by TheCandleDealer51 May 13, 2019
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Someone who is the first to get napkins to clean up the mess that someone made. This person is usually female, but there are some men out there who are "a mom". They always have the extra snacks, gives great advice, tells people to stop fighting, they get fascinated by the weirdest of things, they are usually super weird and embarrasing too, and they are always proud when you do the right thing. you can be "the mom" at any age . When your a mom you also call everyone sweetie, honey, hun, etc. you will always have a "mom" in any friend group, and you should appreciate them a lot more.
" oh emma is such a mom!''
"thanks MOM"
" daddyyy! I mean mom... 'EXACTLY im ur mom not ur daddy.'''
"hey mom can you get me a forkkk!!!!"
"the mom" - someone you can count on for anything
by emmabear926 February 9, 2018
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Completly crazy. 100% insane.
Me: "Hey Mom, what's for lunch?"
by aniderrrr June 29, 2010
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The woman who gave birth to you. She sometimes gets in your face & business, she has mood swings & at times just loses it, but you love her no matter what & she loves you too.
All any mom really wants is to have one day a week to just relax & not have to drive their kids everywhere.

She's the woman who takes care of all the pets you promised to feed & bathe but 'forget', the one who buys you almost everything in the world, the one who hugs you when you're upset & always has a shoulder to cry on, the one who deals with anything from Tampons to heartbreaks when dads don't, the one who always searches for bargains, & one of the few females who won't start rumors about you & start drama.
In other words, the crazy lady well all love.
Me: Mom, can I have this new CD?

Mom: You just got one!

Me: But I really like this band! I found it online cheap & new.

Mom: -sighs- How much, honey?
by ToriFTW January 3, 2009
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a person who is ur parent and is female.
She talks and talks and talks until u wanna hit her over the head with a shovel. :)
God, mom, why wont u just shut up? Please Stop Talking to me. I get it, i wont ever try to stick a roach in the microwave again. now shut up!
by photohungry August 19, 2007
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