1.) adjective: compassionate, warm-hearted, loving.
2.) adjective: tenderly concerned and helpful
3.) adjective: affectionate
4.) idea: kindness, sympathy, understanding
When she was crying, her caring friend gave her a hug.
by Dannielle September 10, 2004
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'I got shouted at by my boss this morning, I'm so upset!' 'Oh really?! Fucking caring.'

'My mum's just found a lump in her breast!' 'Caring'

'Wanna breathe, wanna grieve, wanna live, wanna give. Caring about it...'

'Caring about your deep house record collection cunt.'
by CaringAboutLife March 18, 2014
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Used to sarcastically state that you really do not care what someone has just said.
Mike: yea, so I worked out again today.
John: caring.

Mike: Tiger just got a hole in one!
John: caring.
by sarcastic guy September 5, 2007
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In short terms it basically means "Does it look like I care?"
The term can also be used with the word "lots" after it as in "Caring lots?"
You can also use the "?" after other things such as "Making Sense?"
Stupid Asshole: Hey guys check out my cool new boots!
You: Caring?
Your Friend: Caring lots?
by Bob Steve April 8, 2008
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To express no care in the slightest in what the person is saying and/or doing.
Danny: i put the hor in horse ....
Andy: /care
by AndyManoooo January 29, 2008
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I don't care; don't bother; piss off. Originated in IRC conversations, as an offhanded direction to leave the current channel and cry to the channel where people care.
<+n00b13> Today, I was emailing my professor about what chapters our test is on this afternoon. She accidentally emailed me informing me of the date she went on last night, including that she "got laid... yay!!" and a picture. I still don't know what chapters I'm being tested on.
<fred> #care, faggot.
by n00b13 April 21, 2009
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