The muck that gets on your trouser legs when walking in Northern Ireland
Holy Jesus look at the japs on my new trousers, I only bought the fuckers a few days ago
by Le Chicken January 1, 2009
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the shortened version of japanese, sometimes offensive because it was used by soldiers in world war 2 or something

dont call that asian kid in your call jap, or else he'll beat your ass
1940s american: hi jap
1940s japanese person: fuck your patriotic ass and never call me jap again
1940s american: ok jap
1940s japanese: stabs american with sword
by mrasiandingwong December 3, 2020
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Updated 2019 Jap definition:
Jewish American Princess

Mainly found is Long Island/ Manhattan NYC.
All go to 14,000 dollar sleep-away camps and spend there weekends at bar/bar mitzvahs. All of them say they aren’t Jappy, but know they are. The main japs have divorced parents. All have the Van Cleef necklace. Oh and most of them are scared to step inside of Brooklyn.
Omg I am soooo not jappy!!!
by ndkwldieo April 15, 2019
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1. to get screwed by someone or something, to totally get the wrong side of the deal.

2. when a japanese person does something to you or to gain an advantage.
I got totally and utterly japped on that deal.

Mr. Woo totally japped his way to the top spot in the company.
by the great dick cheney October 22, 2004
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Jewish American Princess
can be hot, but is always annoying
whao dude, look at those japs over there!
*head explodes*
by Arfalarf May 30, 2004
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Literal Meaning: A JAP is an abreviation for Jewish American Princess, although you can be Canadian, and non-Jewish.

How they act: A JAP is known as somebody who craves attention They are very loud and laugh alot. They also wear purses that have a sqaure bottom and long strap that goes over your shoulder. They all go to the same camp, and all talk about how amazing camp was.

How they dress: Can usually be seen wearing colours like beige, brown, and grey. Their pony-tails are always messy. They wear clothes from Lu Lu Lemon, American Eagle, or Abercrombie and Fitch. They either wear a baggy shirt and tight pants (i.e. leggings), or tight shit and baggy pants (i.e. sweat pants)
That was so boring, the only things that those japs were talking about was how amazing camp was.
by JESSEAAHJOH April 8, 2007
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a short term for japanese, derived from WWII , unpolite.
see those wealthy but filthy Japs
by didier April 24, 2007
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