To harbour an inflated opinion of oneself.
As in “That lad David Beckham. He farts higher than his own arse”.
by Gaz Farrell August 28, 2003
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A level of highness reached while on methanphetamine where you feel higher than you have ever been before. You feel invincible, and able to take over the world and are probably trying to accomplish 3-4 unrelated tasks at the same time. Spun geetered gacked
Last night I was "higher than a ten dick dog", I was trying to right a speech for homework, rewire the microwave, mop the floor, and cook dinner. It was a long night.
by ChildOfTheKoRn July 19, 2018
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Bu**s**t!! This is merely what you **always** say when someone calls your help-line! You're just too cheap to hire enough customer-service reps!
Unless there actually was a recent major event like a power-outage or security-breach, DON'T BELIEVE IT if a company's caller-greeting recording says that, "We are currently experiencing higher-than-normal call-volumes; you may stay on the line and wait for the next representative, or you can leave a call-back number for one of our reps to return your call during this same business day, or you might want to try your call again later"... again, DON'T BELIEVE IT --- in all likelihood, this is merely what they ALWAYS tell ALL of their customers who call, no matter what time-period it is ! And whatever you do, DON'T THINK THAT "LEAVING YOUR NUMBER" WILL CAUSE THE COMPANY TO CALL YOU BACK... I have waited ALL THE REST OF THE DAY for a call-back, and the company **never** got back to me! The best thing to do, therefore, is to simply "stay on the line" to "keep your slot in the cue", even if it means a long wait... better to eventually get through than never reach a live person at all.
by QuacksO July 29, 2019
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When a person is intoxicated and in a situation that they consider Hellish but are so happy they don't care about that situation.
When a person is intoxicated on such a level that the idea of hell no longer is a factor.
When a person is so intoxicated that they realize Hell is only a concept formed by old Empiralistic ideologies as a form of control.
Broke my foot yesterday, but I was Higher than Hell so I just walked to the ER even though I don't have a car.
by Nikuru A. Cerberus May 30, 2019
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When being awesome isn't quite good enough.....going above and beyond the usual awesomeness. Raising the bar. No explanation needed.
Getting a pat on the back for doing a good job is awesome but getting a raise because of doing a good job is higher than awesome.
by Ancient Chinese Secret August 7, 2018
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Used as a saying that people use to refer to them as being high or positioned at a high altitude . Or feeling a rush.
Person 1: I’m done hitting this I’m higher than a leap jeep

Person 2: I can see ova you I’m higher than a leap jeep
by Caramel Deluxe18 May 19, 2023
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High sky is a word meaning "To raise the bar very high" or "To aim very high for something"
"Im about to make this higher then the sky." "Im aiming higher than the sky!"
by Sporadica July 29, 2022
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