A thought, statement or action that is random is said to have Altitude
If someone asks a random question your response is "That question had a lot of altitude."
by Seeward Jones April 9, 2008
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(Noun) How high you are. Your "high-ness".
"What's your altitude?"

"I smoked three bowls of spice, I'm chillin' on Mount Everest"
by Josh.F August 27, 2014
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Being high on drugs while in flight on an airplane.
"How was the flight to Sacramento?"
"Great, dude. I was so altituded!"
by ubba... June 13, 2007
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The act of standing on the seat of the toilet, squating, and dropping a load from a higher altitude than normally. Done mostly when using questionable facilities and you don't wanna sit on the seat.
Hey man I just took an Altitude Poop and the water splashed like a foot in the air
by Hbaked28 April 18, 2007
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the phase of being high when you're just absolutely chillin'. you're just the right amount of high ;)
#guy 1: "dude, are you still super high and freaking out?"
#guy 2: "nah dude, i'm totally at cruising altitude right now"
by heyhobobbyjoe February 24, 2010
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I saw Ice Cube on an airplane one time in New Jersey. I told him I was a big fan of Niggaz With Altitude.
I saw Ice Cube on an airplane one time in New Jersey. I told him I was a big fan of Niggaz With Altitude.
by Shread Fuxworthy August 17, 2011
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Getting high or the act of getting high. common phrase used in the south y'all!
I need an "altitude adjustment"
Get higher and higher 'til I feel nothing
Blue mountain air and good clean lovin'
by cherrioeater October 20, 2020
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