Jill was on the line once more.
by The Return of Light Joker July 11, 2008
When a bro only texts a girl when he's lonely or needs attention. Usually he's inconsistent and keeps her on a rotation with other girls. Basically leading a girl on through text. No commitment.
"yeah, i'm not really looking for a relationship right now so I'm just keeping this girl on the line."
by TripleC October 28, 2014
Although one of the least common definitions, a "line" can also mean 1 fluid oz of codeine cough syrup. For example, some people who sell the stuff will sell it by the "line" for anywhere from like 30-100 dollars.
by Tone McBone November 30, 2016
by KaydensMom July 26, 2018
by Ben D. October 5, 2006
A 'line'(for lack of better word) of any powdered drug that is snorted, often through a rolled up 100 dollar bill.
by Diego September 3, 2003