Any car exceeding the speed limit, whose speed you match with your car while maintaining a reasonable distance behind them. The idea is that the "Guinea Pig" will get caught in any Speed Trap up ahead, and you'll have time to react, slow down, and continue on your way.
I always look for a "Guinea Pig" when I have to drive through the city. It makes it so much easier to make good timing safely.
by Rawhide January 13, 2006
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A larger version of a wordhamster/word. Goes good with barbecue sauce.
I just fried me up a guinea pig the other day, and it was damn good! They oughta sell these things at KFC...
by DarkMillennia August 26, 2003
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Amazing Furry pets! Always so cute and cuddly
Oh my lil Guinea pig is so cute
by Dreaminqs February 26, 2016
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The worst pet known to man:

1. Guinea pigs were originally bred as food- I'm not kidding about this.

2. They are incredibly stupid; they just sit and stare or hurt themselves. Dogs are 1,000,000,000 x smarter.

3. Incredibly brittle and injury prone; they hurt their backs and break their ankles on exercise wheels, and make you by a crapload of weird supplies for them. You can let dogs walk around free, but you constantly have to make sure these fucking rats don't kill themselves.

4. They are not cute; they are big beady-eyed rats. Rodents aren't pets, they're VERMIN.

The fact that there are great dogs on the street, and one of these fuckers has a home makes me SICK.
My friend's stupid guinea pig died when it fell off it's bowl- good riddace.
by John Big July 6, 2005
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1. A cute rodent often owned by 7 year olds.

2. A test subject for something.

3. The act of posting a link on AIM because your too lazy to open up Internet Explorer.
1. "My daughter has the sweetest guinea pig, it's so fluffy!"

2. "Well, we used your new Escalade as a guinea pig for our new paint."

3. "screename: Hey man I'm too lazy to click around so
screename2: Pft, your such a guinea pigger"
by FastEddie July 10, 2005
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animals that are fat, sweet, and soooo cute!!!!
by chicka3242 September 3, 2011
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An unlit candle that can turn into a pig with the power of Circe.
by Power Person December 5, 2022
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