Stretching out an anus so much to the Point where it’ll stay open and if the aroma is threatening enough you will get a wiff of the wretched stench that is gape air
Evan enjoys gape so he can get a wiff of the aroma
by Glenn quagmire January 18, 2021
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Have you heard of that new hardcore band Gape? No? Neither have I
by hailofabuse July 29, 2011
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When someone is gaping they have their mouth wide open, sometimes for minutes on end.

Gaping can occur naturally, ie yawn or old age;
or forced, either from drugs or deranged people.
Person 1: Look at that old man gaping while he's driving
Person 2: Hahahahaha, forced gape cos you're old

Person 1: Nice gape over there, how many cones have you had?
Person 2: (Gape talking) 10

Person 1: Start gaping or I'll kill you!
Person 2: (Gape talking) OK!
by Gaper May 7, 2012
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"Let's go gape the Coloseum"
by GWill August 7, 2005
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Did you see the new Planet of the Gapes movie?
by quaoar January 1, 2009
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1. Noun derived from the terms Gay (N)and Rape(N,V), Gay-Rape
2. Verb To Gay-Rape someone
-ist Noun someone who Gay-Rapes people
-ing Verb Act of Gay-Rape
1. Duncan likes gape
2. Duncan likes to gape
-Duncan is a Gapist
-Duncan is Gaping me
by El' Psyxe August 30, 2004
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Word used to describe an extremely awful situation you unexpectedly wound up in (sometimes due to either bad luck or poor judgement or choice), that you are unable to get out of.

2. Extremely horrible circumstances 3.Wrong place at the wrong time
"I can't believe we let them talk us into driving all the way down here with them. I'm so bored. This is totally gape."
by mrmcracken April 27, 2010
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