A word meaning good, well done. A synonym for mad,great,sick.
wow mate thats great
chokers hay
by skipp dog November 11, 2007
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The 2005 Chicago White Sox are the biggest bunch of chokers on the planet.
by TheCheat September 23, 2005
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To fail miserably at in situations of great importance. To bomb terribly on a main stage under extreme pressure.
Marco Rubio was a real choker last night at the debate when confronted by Donald Trump.
by Big daddy fat sacks 37 February 27, 2016
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synonym for a cigarette. must be used in conjunction with the word strangler.
"hey slim, you going to strangle back a choker? i'll join you
by jacques macmegalodon December 18, 2005
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when your boxers are too tight and you go to sit down they choke your dick up real bad.
every time my mom tries to buy me new boxers they always wind up being dick chokers, never fails.
by joegunn December 8, 2008
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