lemme get a

Phase used when ordering hood goods from The Thru or corner store.
Ay Man, lemme get a a pack Black and a 40-oz six pack.
by Terry Bad Ice October 8, 2017
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Lemme Get

This term is for when something/someone you desire is not directly available to you, and you want it.
Hot girl walks by you and her ass is just screaming for you, you might say to your friend next to you while you watch her walk away, "Lemme get that butthole!"

Your friend comes over with a 6-pack of beers and your thirst is not quenched, you might say, "Hey dawg, you brought some beers! Lemme get!"
by Italianub March 25, 2010
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lemme get

v. Preferred urban method of requesting something.
1. "Lemme get a McRib, large fries, and, uh ruh, you got any grape soda?"
2. "Lemme get a Newport. Make it two."
3. " 'Meget one em Kools."
by bizook March 10, 2004
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lemme GET

a game started at LBJ High School. Rules: If someone around you does something dumb you say "lemme get it" which is accompanied by a hand motion; an open palm, face up, bring the fingers towards you two or three times, then you slap that person on the head.
Tom: Omg a bird just pooped on my car.
Stefan: AHA lemme GET!
by lemmeget May 30, 2008
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lemme get uhhh

a statement typically said when ordering at a drive thru. it is a common phrase, and some people take it to the extent of going up to drive thrus just to say that and not order anything to confuse employees
-hi welcome to wendy's whatcha want
-lemme get uhhhh
-wrong place vro
by courtnaenae June 20, 2017
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Lemme get uhhh

A meme, or something said at a drive-thru when you're unsure of whatever you want to eat.
"Welcome to McDonald's, how may I serve you?" "Lemme get uhhhhhhhh."
by mynamjef August 19, 2017
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