Captain Jack Sparrow's No.1 fan, Someone who loves watching Pirates of The Caribbean movies.

also has a liking for-
Forest Gump, Erin Brockovich and Scarface
This is the tale of Captain Jack Sparrow

Pirate so brave on the seven seas

A mystical quest to the isle of Tortuga

Raven locks sway on the ocean breeze
Okay it turns out Michael Bolton is a major cinephile
by cheeseoid June 1, 2011
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The act of a woman gargling semen in her mouth, and then spitting it straight up in the air like a water fountain, the semen then falls back on the woman's face and she smears it around with her hands.
Kyle was surprised when Erin surprised him by doing the Bolton Special after rigorous felatio.
by Dubradio February 9, 2015
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An overrated, shitty, annoying singer/songwriter that looks like a cross between David Coverdale of Whitesnake and my left testicle.
by Da Dude October 18, 2003
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a town of many characters, with a population numbering just over 5,000, the town is home to the most reckless drinkers, drug users, fighters, and smart-asses represented in the state of Connecticut
Guy 1: Who were those drunk fucks that just drove by me, challenged me to a race, lost, challenged me to a fight, lost, and then pulled a gun?

Guy 2: Classic Bolton, CT
by TyRen12 January 5, 2011
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a sweet guy who most girls like but if you don't know him he will come off as an ass. He the kind of guy who you will love to party with and will be there for you always!
by yoyoyocathy January 2, 2012
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The wussy act of saying "I like them all" instead of actually stating a preference, usually because you don't know or don't care about what's being asked.
Dude, I asked her which flavor she liked best but she went totally Michael Bolton on me!
by cr0nky August 24, 2007
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Derogatory term used by bicyclists or a bike shop employee referring to an office worker looking for a single speed bike or someone riding a single speed. This term is used because the rear wheel of a single speed is "bolted on", thus, Bolton. Also in reference to the movie Office Space and the character Michael Bolton. Person looking to buy a lifestyle in addition to a bicycle.
One bike shop employee to another bike shop employee, "Can you go help that Michael Bolton with the Bianchi Pista and ask him if he wants a matching messanger bag?".
by Clayton Coffelt April 4, 2008
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