v. To send information or files via digital communication, especially to a mobile phone.
Jack : Yo killer party tonight, u DTH?

Jill : Sure, I was going to spend the night petting the cat and reading 50 shades of grey, but I guess I can make an appearance. Beam me the deets!
by North Christie September 8, 2012
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She Beamed her wall to wall with a guy from the party to her best friend.
by junjiebot May 30, 2010
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To expose or attack someone with words in a very direct way.
Zack; What are u saying with your hobit lookin feet.

Ben; Shut up Zack at least I can find the clit.

Natalia; Damn, Ben you beamed him.
by I like abs January 29, 2020
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To beam someone/beaming means to contact them via the internet. (Facebook, IM, Email, etc.)
John telling Jonathan to contact Andrew: "Can you beam him on facebook?"
by OrangeWeiner March 9, 2011
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The act of creating a "beem" (or beam) is when a girls sphincter is excessly huge and gaping during anal copulation.
"Beeeeeem! for my man johnson!" - Lexinton Steel
by Lexiton Steel December 26, 2003
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Did you see Jessica when she came out of the pool? She was beaming.
by Jeb from NH July 25, 2003
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The act of taking methylenedioxymetamphetamine (MDMA/Ecstasy).
by Huy Tran May 8, 2005
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