When you create a new tool or software that you give away for free to people with the sole purpose of stealing everyone's data.
Google is zuckerberging its users by storing all searches, photos and locations.
by lars mango May 2, 2018
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To kill something and then immediately afterward eat it.
I just squashed a fly.... Yummy! I love it when I can zuckerberg something.
by Kingnanymous May 29, 2011
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Noun. The act of programming while inebriated.

Verb. To program while drunk, often after a rejection.
I pulled an zuckerberg last night, so I am really hung over.

Would you want to zuckerberg tonight? I have beer.
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(V) Being lead to believe something is more glorious than you can imagine. But in fact it's quite the opposite.
Oh facebook ipo!! It's so awesome!!! I'll buy it at open at a overpriced 42.00!! 2days later... omg it's down to 31.00... I've been zuckerberged. :(
by Driftine46 May 22, 2012
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The slang word used for a reptile that has access to all your fucking info
Reptile: hm, yes i shall make a human website so i can become a human and take its form.
you: WhAt ThE fUcK zUcKeRbErG
by Jam4llgaynam April 19, 2018
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Randi Zuckerberg is the sister of Mark Zuckerberg who promoted the most sinister coin of all time called DogeGF...
Randi Zuckerberg is Sinister!!!
by qogoshi November 29, 2022
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Founder of Meta, also known as Facebook. He is also used in lots of memes.
Me: Do you know Mark Zuckerberg? Friend: Umm is he the guy who is from the meme? Me: *Slaps my head*
by I like boiled potatoes January 1, 2022
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