To steal an idea from someone who trusts you (e.g. business partner, friend, or a company that has hired you to do work for them)
Oh man, those connectu guys got zuckerberged.
by Bentheguyfromcambridge November 3, 2007
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1. See douchebag.

2. Someone with an overinflated sense of self worth, who also thinks he's WAY smarter than you.

3. Someone who wants to get rich at your expense.

4. Someone who doesn't give a crap about your privacy.
I know you just got a promotion, but you don't have to be a zuckerberg about it.
by riotdog May 24, 2010
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to promise someone that you'll keep their secrets, then share them later when it suits your purposes.
Joe promised Jill he wouldn't tell her I hit on Sarah, but he totally zuckerberged me when he thought it might give him a chance with her.
by Bookfaced May 14, 2010
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verb, zuckerberg, zuckerberg'd, zuckerberg·ing, noun
–verb (used with object)

1. to take (the property of another or others) without permission or right, esp. secretly or by force: A pickpocket zuckerberg'd his watch.

2. to appropriate (ideas, credit, words, etc.) without right or acknowledgment.

3. to take, get, or win insidiously, surreptitiously, subtly, or by chance: He zuckerberg'd my girlfriend.

4. to move, bring, convey, or put secretly or quietly; smuggle (usually fol. by away, from, in, into, etc.)

–verb (used without object)

to commit or practice theft.

to move, go, or come secretly, quietly, or unobserved


Informal . an act of stealing; theft.

Origin: Based on Mark Zuckerberg, the owner of Facebook social network and his shady business practices. Termed coined 1/19/11 by DCC & JG

Related Forms: zukerberg-able, zuckerberg-ing, zuckerberg'd, zuckerberg-ization
He got zuckerberg'd by his former business partner.

This contract should prevent any zuckerbergization in this business transaction.

Don't try to zuckerberg me.
by Sienna Jades January 20, 2011
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v. to bypass a user's privacy settings - this could be done by a person or an application
that iPhone app zuckerberged my facebook profile photo to twitter

he zuckerberged her profile and found out she was cheating on him
by popmonkey March 12, 2010
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to needlessly victimize facebook users by changing sounds, layouts, or settings, because it's your damn website
when did they change the chat sound to "ga-bloop"?

we done been zuckerberged
by zed614 November 24, 2010
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to refuse a ridiculously good offer
He zuckerberged a $1 billion offer from Yahoo!
Ref: Mark Zuckerberg (founder of Facebook),
by Optical-i October 9, 2007
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