(adj.) of or pertaining to being "out of this world"
(v.) to be "off;" to be out of one's mind
Yvonne: Hey, Shelby, let's cut cake out of our diet and just eat brussel sprouts!

Shelby: I'm not about it! You are too zooed.
by E. Q. Ambrosia January 24, 2010
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A place where many broads are wheeled
Bennet and Zach visit The Zoo often to get their daily fix.
by 10percent June 11, 2010
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it is a name that kids use for weed
"aye u got any zoo?"
by jamesrussell1116 September 27, 2007
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Why do I go to the zoo everyday
by Beansos June 18, 2022
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When something or someone is just off their game in every way.

Synonyms: hot mess, actin a fool
Man you're such a zoo today, pull it together before we get there.

Hayle, you're always the biggest zoo anytime you drink!
by skram24 August 31, 2014
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Long haired hippy freaks used this term in the sixties and seventies to refer to the way other people sometimes looked at them in scorn and to the way users looked at things in amazement and wonder when they were on drugs.
Jimi is really zooing at the sunset. Is he stoned or what?
by Dan Hemi January 9, 2010
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1. n. a person, place, or event that is out of control, or full of drunken, vomiting, and/or passed out people

1. Person 1: Dude, that Skynard concert was a ZOO!
Person 2: Definitely. Did you see that guy bend over and vomit while walking without breaking stride?
Person 1: Was that the same guy I saw running around with a confederate flag as a cape? He was chugging two more beers just a second ago!
Person 2: THAT guy, was a zoo.
by stevesheridan999 June 25, 2007
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