(n.) sickstee 1. African American. Short for 60%, deriving from the 3/5 compromise.

Bob: "Gee wilikers, did you see the sixty?"

Joe: "Only his eyes and teeth"
by Rufus Jenkins January 25, 2007
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Cigarrette slang term for a ciggarette.
This is either because sixty sounds like cig, or because you can use the word like a cig break- a sixty second break.
Hey, let's go for a sixty.
by Derek Herron June 22, 2004
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When a male has to urinate badly enough that he produces an unbroken flow for at least sixty seconds.
Dude, after I drank twelve beers and then drove home, it was no surprise that I cranked out a sixty.
by green_griffon May 9, 2010
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Your home or base. Derives from the term "six o'clock" as in where are you flying from.

You fly from and return to your sixty.
What's your sixty?
by PilotByKnight August 30, 2008
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Usually when someone goes from being really calm or content, to just going crazy and yelling and screaming in anger because of a little incident or for no reason.
Me: I was hanging out with Brett earlier but then I left.
Friend: Why?
Me: He went from zero to sixty in like two seconds because I beat him in a video game!
by scarsofyesterday June 1, 2009
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like sixty nine but she blows you and you owe her one
by jrky March 4, 2009
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