(By analogy to exploring caves/other dark places)
To engage in casual internet stalking, usually out of curiousity rather than for any sinister purpose.
After a bit of spelunking on message boards, I found out that girl I was flirting with on MSN was actually a 40 year old guy from Indianapolis!
by Cayenne August 2, 2005
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When having sexual intercourse with a virgin or a girl that has not banged anyone that you know
When your at a party talking to your friends and a hot chick walks over that you want to have sex with. Use the term spelunking to make it seem like your not a perve. Just say hey man I want to go spelunking
by One crazy week September 12, 2011
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When a man and a woman love each other very much, and can't decide between regular and anal sex they decide to compromise. This involves putting (carefully) the balls in her ass, and dick in her twat. This is best accomplished while in the "Pouting Frog" position. When finished, the easiest way to remove balls from ass, is using "Asian Dismount".
"Dude i was with this girl last night, and she wanted me to go Spelunking. The Pouting Frog was ok, but i think i crippled myself with the Asian Dismount"
by Mike/Nick/Alberta Dan November 20, 2006
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To lift things (typically heavy things) with ones dick
Tom went spelunking will Jill yesterday, he has some very strong parts
by Iamtheother September 11, 2011
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Barry "I just caught Johnny spelunking, man, he was knuckle deep."
by Neo June 15, 2003
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rifling through something in order to find something far greater hidden at the bottom.

can be a sexual reference...

enid spelunks jovially each night...

he was spelunking at great speed through the cereal packet to find the toy at the bottom.

he spelunked through the garbage for the cheese he left there.
by aneuryism March 22, 2007
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