The Soviet regimes had a manic need to display the country’s excellence to the world and especially for their own sovoks, whether the reason was the Slavic inferiority complex or whatever, for the civilized world their efforts were tragicomical, in reality it was a mere developing country with a nuclear weapon (due to the help of Western commies) and today's successor, Putinstan is basically unchanged with the same mindset.

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."
Mikhail Kalashnikov also began to believe in this Soviet myth about himself as a creator of the AK 47, the quote is allegedly from Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda in the Third Reich.

Immediately after the war, the Soviets began hunting experts in various fields from Germany for forced labor into the Soviet Union, among these thousands was also a weapon designer Hugo Schmeisser and his 15-member team and 500 other German gunsmiths, metallurgists and scientists. HS had developed the world's first usable assault rifle, the Strumgevehr 44. Kalashnikov denied having met Schmeisser ever (in the town of Izhmash), but at least once in a weak moment in an interview in 2009 he said he had "collaborated" with him - this is the good ol' Homo Sovieticus' hero-making method; talents develop a product, but the glory goes to the own peasant. Schmeisser was allowed to return to the "liberated" part of Germany in 1952 only to die the following year.
When the pompous Mikhail Kalashnikov statue was unveiled in Moscow 2017, at the same time, in a way, the real designer of the AK 47 was also unveiled, but only for a moment... The sculptor had blundered by depicting Schmeisser's designed StG 44 and its parts on the pedestal of the statue - an angle grinder was found and soon this embarrassing reminder of honest historiography was removed.
by O. W. Tongueincheek February 8, 2022
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Mikhail Tal was a famous chess player known for his tactical ability and sacrifices. In 1960, he won the world championship against Mikhail Botvinnik. Botvinnik won the world champion title back one year later, but Tal had to take time away from chess because of health problems. Tal was a heavy smoker and drinker, and he died on June 27, 1992 of kidney failure. He is arguably the best chess player of all time.
Mikhail Tal won the world championship in 1960, lost it in 1961, and died in 1992. He was probably the best player tactically.
by BasicLvrCH8r February 16, 2008
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Nick Mikhail is the ultimate matrep.

In 2015 he rents car to sublease it but ended up losing the car due to singapore's Central Narcotics Bureau impounding the car for suspicion of having some drugs in the vehicle.

He also was extremely tardy on replying the car owner's messages and payments.

In 2019, Police officers also entered his home for unknown reasons and found illegal contrabands in his home.

In 2023, Nick Mikhail rented a BMW M3 from a rental company in singapore, He ended up breaking the lease agreement and also wrapped the car in a shitty vinyl wrap. He essentially breach the agreement by having a lapse of payment for late return of the vehicle forcing the company to repo the car in question.

Nick Mikhail often "flex" his wealth online, but there are many who question his wealth. It could all be rental items.

Nick Mikhail is the final Yalam boss in the game called "malay 4 lyf"
Brah stop flexing things that do not belong to you, You're being a Nick Mikhail, please fuck off.
by Super skinz club 4 lyfe July 25, 2023
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The inventor of the legendary AK-47 assault rifle.
"Now he says he 'wishes he invented a lawnmower', because he is aware of his own weapons being used, and blackmarketted, by terrorists. Don't worry Mr. Kalashnikov, we still love you....even if you are a commie. lol "
by Dave March 25, 2004
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Without personally identifying details or a detectable Russian accent, it is utterly impossible to distinguish a Trump supporter in such a way that someone won't mistake them for a Russian troll or shill.
"Russia is our friend, and Trump is a friend to Russia. Vladimir Putin is a strong, honest leader who should be respected. Putin has done nothing wrong because Putin said so!"

Is this guy a Trump supporter or a Russian shill? I can't tell. I call Mikhail's Law!
by The Wrinkled Newspaper July 21, 2018
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When an unconscious person's head is shaved, someone ejaculates on the person's head. The ejaculation is the mixed with red food coloring giving the appearance of the crimson birthmark on the top of his/her bald head of the former leader of the Soviet Union.
Rocko gave Natasha a Mikhail Gorbachev after she had too much vodka!
by Jesus420 June 29, 2006
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Mikhail is like a god. He is very athletic and sexy as fuck! He is the type of guy who all guys wanna be and all the girls want but is usually taken by an amazing girl! Mikhail Tolmachev is someone with a huge penis! He is one to succeed in life! Someone who is named Mikhail Tolmachev will grow up and be rich! Everyone wants to have the name and surname Mikhail Tolmachev!
"I wish I was like Mikhail Tolmachev!"

"Life would be perfect!"
by Hdhdhdhd0001 May 19, 2017
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