This should mean someone who's afraid of sameness, or afraid of humans. Instead, it means someone who hates homosexuals (but may or may not actually be afraid of them).
"Why were they gay-bashing?"
"Because they're homophobes."
"But if they're scared of gays, why didn't they run screaming at the sight of them?"
"I didn't come up with the term!"
by Qit February 26, 2004
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person 1: aaaaaaaaaaaaah a house!
person 2: youre homophobic
person 1: houses are against the bible
person 2: you stupid homophobe
person 1: its unnatural all the house poeple go to hell
by Its_a_lie_motherfuckers! December 1, 2021
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Intense irrational fear of monkeys

Homo is the scientific name for primate
Phobic means irrational fear
Person A: Bro lets go to the zoo to see the monkeys
Person B: Heck naw I'm homophobic
by K.A. Chow April 26, 2023
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Homophobia is a type of person that's phobic to something related to houses.
Person 1: Hey dude look at that awesome house!
Person 2: I'm homophobic !! screeches in agonising pain
by potatoyaro May 16, 2020
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An individual who possesses the fear of homosexuals.
Homophobe: Hey, did you hear that new Lady Gaga song, Born This Way? I think it should be called Born This Gay!

In the example above, a homophobe uses the word gay to insult a song that emphasizes how your sexual orientation doesn't make you a bad person.
by Quzu June 5, 2011
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Being excessively scared of houses.
Jon; Shit!

Bill; Calm down Jon, it's only a flat
Ed; You are really homophobic, aren't you
by Crimson Nightflame October 8, 2015
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1Not entirely accurate phrase to describe people who hate gays
some better terms may be

average preteen male
most rebublicans are homophobes
by themanyouwishyouwere November 22, 2011
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