The literal action of consulting wikia, on lack of knowledge or solution from a gaming source. Mostly said when a lore is involved in a video game, and the person reading such lore is confused. The person then 'Consults the Wiki' the game developers, or the player basis of that game has provided.
Game: The Dwarven Empire once sat along the coast of Torgona.
Player: "What's Torgona...? I must Consult the Wiki on the matter."
by Razam July 1, 2016
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the act of settling a dispute or bet by looking it up on Wikipedia.
Dude 1: no way is natalie portman from Isreal!
Dude 2: hell yeah she is, look it up!
Dude 1: damn, you're right...
Dude 2: you got a Wiki Wham!!
by Chavez232 February 12, 2010
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A super secret party held by the Wikipedia writers; there are only two people who know where the secret party is held, other than the the wikipedia writers and they are the secret azn men
wiki wiki party is often held in the early evening at a gym and it is traditional to play twister, wear party hats, and eat fruit salad and cake
by Superdedupersecretness101 December 9, 2008
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When you wack off your friend while he/she is licking your eyes and doing wiki tutorials on how to bleach you nipples.
Hey Jeff would you want to wiki wackoff with me
by Killerboy$ November 3, 2023
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This is the act of using to discover the meaning of obscene terms.
"My cousin thinks a cameltoe is a pair of flip-flops, I beleive it is a female wedgie. To set the record straight we are going to Wiki-it.
by SuctionParrot April 12, 2009
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The process of going from Wikipedia page to Wikipedia page by clicking on embedded links, learning about stuff you never cared about before.
I did a wiki bounce from "Fantasy lsland" from the "Love Boat" page, then I clicked on the name of the actor from "Mr. Belvedere", which led me to the page for "Buck Rogers", and that's how I learned that the dude who did the voice for Bugs Bunny was the same guy who played that robot.
by Big Bear 437 September 21, 2013
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