Yeah Jacob is freshman ripper he tries to get a new one every week
by schlingy22 February 10, 2017
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The phase when first year college students go to just about every party, stays most weekends, wanting to try new things (all bright eyed and bushy-tailed).

As each year progresses, you start to do a little less and you go home to see your puppy every weekend.
Damian seems like he doesn’t want to do anything at school anymore!”

“It’s because he’s over the freshman phase.”
by Smegma911 November 20, 2019
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When kids (typically freshman) bounce their leg rapidly out of nervousness or anxiety, and annoys everyone around them
Kyle is freshmanning so hard I can hear his knee hitting the bottom of the desk.
by sillygooster February 11, 2019
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A word for the sickness that spreads around for the first few months of a semester, caused by freshmen being taken from their isolated social-bubbles and being moved into dorms to live on top of each other.
A: “Aw man, I just moved into the dorms and now my neighbors and my roommate are all sick!”
B: “Sounds like the Freshman Flu’s going around again, better to just accept your fate.”
by That dude steve November 2, 2022
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today is the day that you kill a freshman. Try for it to be the least annoying freshman so everyone hates you.
Senior: hey it’s October 27th!
Freshman: what’s that mean
Senior: National kill a freshman day! *chops his head off*
Freshman: *dies of death*
by ItsDonnie234 October 23, 2022
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Every year on April 14th seniors and juniors usually have a skip day well this time Freshman joins them.
Friend 1: oh wait it’s skip day at school?

Friend 2: Yes, it’s freshman skip day!
by Yourmom2008 April 13, 2023
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