Freshman year

The first year of high school which usually ends up being an extension of 8th grade (middle school) because everyone's still friends with the same people and are still immature. Also freshman year tends to be the easiest year of high school because you're not at pressured to or can't take AP classes. And your core classes are much easier than higher grades. Because you're either 14 or 15 years old you can't drive in most states or get a job which limits your independence to go to parties, go to certain events etc. Also "upperclassmen" usually dislike freshman which makes it hard to be invited to these events. Overall freshman year isn't quite as exciting as other years in high school.
8th Grader: "Holy crap im going to high school next year! I'm gonna get hella girls and go to crazy parties!"

9th Grader "Hey, sorry, that doesn't really happen in your Freshman year.. only on TV shows.."
by Feely7 June 8, 2010
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Freshman year

The first year of high school involving hormone development and voice cracks. Students feel like classes are impossible but have no idea what's in store for the next three years
Student in freshman year: oh my god honors geometry is so hard I think I'm gonna drop out and become a stripper

Student in senior year: oh you just wait
by RIPJAH April 8, 2018
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mid-freshman-year crisis

A point in a teenager's life where they partake in ridiculous things they will likely later look back on in regret or amusement in an attempt to "find themselves." Usually occurs about halfway through their freshman year of high school and ends before the start of sophomore year. May include: extreme hair changes (cut and/or color), unusual modes of dress, changes in musical taste, or strange new hobbies.
Jordan: "Has Jane gone punk now or something?"

Taylor: "Nah, she's just going through a mid-freshman-year crisis."
by bluesuedeshoes March 20, 2011
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The first year out of college. Termed "freshman year" to be annalogous to your freshman year of college when you are prone to making newbie mistakes and:
a) You didnt know much
b) You were confused and scared and
c) You grew up and learned a lot
Freshman hanging around his first real job
Fresh: "So guys how much money does everyone earn here? I got hired for 40K a month"
Coworkers: "Wow hes such a freshman"
Other coworker: "give him a break guys, you remember freshman year of real life right?"
by Maximuz04 January 24, 2010
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Freshman year

The best anime series you will ever see. Shoutout pinapplenut
by RetroGTH February 24, 2021
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Freshman year

The best year of high school. You’re fresh out of middle school and it’s not as bad as your teachers described it. The classes are easy and the teachers take it easy on you because it’s your first year. The only downside is that you’re the youngest in high school & the other grades might hate you. Freshman year is middle school pt 2. This is also the year where you make new friends and meet new people. Enjoy freshman year because it flies by.
“What grade are you entering”?
“Freshman year”
Dang, you’re lucky”
by TEEGUY July 3, 2024
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