A poser jackass who posts stuff on facebook just for likes or any form of attention eg " its a beautiful day, hope everyone's enjoying the weather". Will also post anything pretending to lead a glamorous, fun filled, extensively traveled life with a prestigious job. In reality, he's just a blue collar, hourly paid, loser who spends all his time on facebook lurking and stalking. He lives in bumfuck America, but uses foreign phrases and spelling hoping people will think that he spends so much time abroad he's forgotten the American ways. He joins pages of professional organizations and the like, when in reality he holds no real degree or professional license of any sort. Will have hundreds of friends usually of the opposite sex but has never spoken or communicated with them. Will use other people's friends lists to shop for friends of the opposite sex. His friends list looks like it's a mail order bride catalog or listings from Back Page because those are usually the only type of people who accept his friend requests. Spends hours tagging other's pix but has none of his own (because it would reveal his true lame ass life). Posts updates about going to the gym, but is a lard ass who looks like he's never set foot in one. On the whole, he's someone you immediately regret friending. A true douche bag fraud.
Did you see the latest post by the Facebook fuktwat? Evidently he thinks " American gyms are shite. Full stop!". What a stalker douchebag!
by Fuktwathater April 12, 2015
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When a person promotes information found solely on Facebook and other social media sites, rather than facts.
That's Facebook Deep. Your Facebook Deep
by Doll123 September 6, 2020
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Someone who only posts every little detail about their lives and only reads responses to their own postings.
I thought Jane would see the post about meeting up for lunch.

Na, she's so facebook-centric if you don't post to her directly she'll never bother to see it.
by Sewbrmom August 1, 2010
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A term for when your caught cheating on someone. All thanks to a facebook post by the person you cheated with. Usually its a combination of an image(s) posted and facial recognition that does it. Sometimes its plain stupidity, a post from your date.
Carl felt very scared when he looked at the top of the stairwell of his apartment building. His girlfriend stood at the top there with her cell and a facebook page open. He realized he had been finked by facebook
by Theamazinggeek April 23, 2018
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What you say to someone when they say something buffoonishly idiotic or something silly
Facebook controlling misinformation? Yes ! Facebook thinking or actually controlling any misinformation is like me saying Stalin is alive. Facebook does not and can't, nor should it, control any misinformation.
by Sexydimma February 3, 2022
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A picture of a person or group of people showing support for a Facebook music artist/group. To be concidered an OFFICIAL FACEBOOK FAN PHOTO, it must be voluntary by the person or group in the picture. This term was first coined by GOODLOW when a fan made them one.

Mad because you didnt coin this first? Dont be a "FACEBOOK HATER"
Everybody and they momma is making a Facebook fan photo!
by GOODLOW January 17, 2011
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People, regardless of race , gender or economic situation, who post comments to a social media site or new story for the sole purpose of judging someone.
Forget the torches and pitch forks, the Facebook lynch mob has their keyboard and Facebook account.
by cynicald April 15, 2016
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