Basically heaven in your mouth and not anything sexual. Fudge sundae pop tarts taste lit.

Fun fact: A Fudge Sundae Pop Tart is 9% of your daily calorie intake.
Person 1: I just had a fudge sundae pop tart!
Person 2: Can I have one?

Person 1: go away
by russian cat. June 28, 2023
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getting railed by 3 men and having them put a funnel into your anus and cumming into them.
by cockassuer April 15, 2023
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When a girl poops a long turd and puts it between her buttcheeks and a guy then ejaculates all over it, resembling a chocolate banana sundae with white sauce.
Sorry that I'm late to work. I had to clean up the booty banana sundae off my wife.

"That booty banana sundae was so messy."
"Yea, you know how sticky it gets."
by SaucyFartTart69999 October 6, 2022
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The act of eating grapes out of your sexual partners asshole.
“Yo did you hear about John, he gave Suzy a Welch’s Sundae and got it on video”

Nah man that’s nasty”
by friedrice the nasty guy March 2, 2023
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When you return to your parked car, find a ticket on your front windshield, your driver side window smashed and the glass sprinkled on human feces.
I went to se that 3 million dollar condo in the SOMA the other day and was served a San Francisco Sundae when I got back to my car.
by MysticOgre March 6, 2021
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When your girl is on her period, shit in her fanny and also fill it with cum, this will provide the three colours of a neapolitan, then use your dick as a spoon to smash away.
Sandra "I'm on my period we can't do anything tonight; duncan " oh yes we can I fancy a neapoliton sundae"
by Richard (Dick) Bona May 19, 2011
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During intercourse make truffle butter, and a lot of it. Once you have enough to fill a large ramiken or small bowl, take a torch to the top of it similar to baked alaska
Dude I was with Lacy last night and we totally had Hot Fuck Sundaes
by Mushroom print ur mum March 28, 2021
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