When someone is pissing you off and you get too annoyed
Y/n: your so not funny

Me: your so narcissistic

Y/n:what ?
Me:bitch Ik you hear me
by Coffeelovr143 July 2, 2023
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someone who is cocky and lacks empathy
Rick has a narcissistic personality, he always take advantage of other for his own personal gain.
by Comberry April 23, 2018
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A personality disorder, in which a person has an inflated sense of self importance. This person typically has outbursts similar to a 2 year old, tantrums, thinks they look good (but also cakes their face with makeup daily) wears leggings with panty lines everyday, NEVER washes their dishes, and sings off key while snapping off beat at 3-4 in the morning. A narcissistic person is a nuisance to everyone they come in contact with, including their family.
“Wow, why is Haley such a bitch?”

“You mean Haley Jensen? She’s so narcissistic.”

“Right! I didn’t know anyone could love themselves for all the wrong reasons....”
by Fergaliciousbabe January 17, 2018
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a person who claims they are ugly for attention when they actually think their beautiful and just want the compliment
Stacey said she was ugly again as she spams her snap story with nothing but pictures of her face, she such a hidden narcissist.
by janeleo May 16, 2020
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Give me a break Jordan. You’re not going on a personal tangent, huh? Cuz Jonathan Haidt told you you weren’t. It sounds like you are. It sounds like you are acting out your personal vendettas against someone anonymous instead of “acting out” you’re “belief” in God. How are you not doing the same thing as the woke types right now?
Hym “See.... Didn’t you say part of the problem with people not standing up to the whole mob was that people didn’t agree but they were keeping quiet for fear of people coming after them? But with your new stance on anonymity it seems to be the case that that’s what you want. You want people to be subject to the same sort of fear except in the other direction. You’re not better than the trans-activists. ‘BE NICE TO ME OR ELSE I’LL WEILD THE SYSTEM AGAINST YOU!’ Just like the retard and those whores at the group home. You’re all the fucking same. And I’m the coward? How? You know who I am. Actually. Psychopathic Narcissistic Machiavellian Demons? So melodramatic. You’re a fucking wacko. Let’s see it. Let’s see how far you’re willing to go. Conflict avoidant bitch.”
by Hym Iam November 14, 2022
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Yea, hey, fuck you buddy! Is that not allowed? Ok. I'll just stop. Because that's how THAT works. The reason people are malignant narcissists is that they are fundamentally incapable of being self aware and, therefore, if only we could get them to stop being the thing that they are and will never cease to be, then... THEN they would be better. In what way? I don't know. But they wouldn't think they were better than me and that's all I really care about..."
Shill Maher "Trumps a malignant narcissist!"

Hym "And therefore what?"

Shipl Maher "So the foreign leaders can manipulate him!"

Hym "That's the opposite of how that works- How much do you know about any of that? And again, therefore what?"

Shill Maher "Then he shouldn't be president?"

Hym "Wait, hold on. I'M a malignant narcissist? What exactly should I not be able to do in life according to shill maher and why should that be a barrier to entry in any realm? Assburgers can fuck their caregivers in their grow homes but narcissists can't be allowed to... What? Get people to like them? That's really what it seems to be! And it relates to my thing! That's what it's all about! You don't want people to like narcissists. Because THEN you're less likable than a narcissist! You can't STAND it. AT ALL! That's the problem you and all the other atheists have with him! I found it! The kinetic through-line! THAT'S IT! You don't want people to like narcissists... But they DO LIKE NARCISSISTS. So now, deranged witch hunt for narcissists. That's what it is. That's all this is about."
by Hym Iam September 5, 2023
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Narcissists may also display this insecurity through a tendency to be aggressive and controlling. Insecure narcissists often feel the need to dominate others, especially those they believe are weaker than themselves. Their aggressive nature is due in part to their fear of inadequacy and low self-esteem.
He can’t handle criticism, he always has to be right. He pretends to be dominant but really, he is an insecure narcissist.
by CoolVeggie October 15, 2022
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