The "trail" someone leaves behind as they comment, like, or chat to you about as they scout/stalk your Facebook page. Sometimes, if lucky, you can see the trail navigate through different albums/time periods of your posts and pictures.
John: Hey dude like this pic!
Gary: Thanks man.
5 minutes later- John liked your comment
Gary: Hmmmmm
5 minutes later: John liked your picture
Gary: WTF! Doesn't he know he's leaving a facebook trail?
by Do I look (-.-) like I care? October 9, 2011
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The reason for the Facebook purge it "You can't handle the truth"

Col. Nathan R. Jessep
by Lt. Daniel Kaffee October 12, 2018
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Describes something the Facebook Tard would do.
Suzie just posted the same thing five different times.

Man, she is Facebook Tardilicious!
by Pism February 10, 2010
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Someone who poaches your wall/friends list and adds people from yours.
Person 1: Hello how're you ? :)

Person 2: Abit agrivated really just found out one of my friends is a facebook poacher.
Person 1: Ooh i hate that its so annoying.
by Cosa nostra its my thang! July 23, 2011
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"Facebook know" means to know someone only through Facebook. You've never met, talked or texted, but you know many details about each other through posts that appear in the other person's feed and replies to those posts.
I've never met Jim, but I Facebook know him very well.
by circlesofindecision January 28, 2017
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Facebook night shift is what is completed when someone makes many posts during the nighttime
“OMG have you seen how many FB posts Natalie made after we went to bed?” , “Yes she’ appears to have chronicled our entire night out during her Facebook night shift
by Big Jack's Bollocks January 23, 2018
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A family on Facebook that people create so they don't have to do anything in real life. Includes tagging photos as if they were really there , Posting Past pics and liking all your family photos but Haven't seen them in years..
by crazyhadenough June 10, 2014
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