People named Alex tend to be rather emo and many of times, have homosexual tendencies. People named Alex are huge fans of the well known band, Weezer. They ar4ee huge music enjoyers, ESPECIALLY Weezer.
"You know Alex?"
"The emo one?"
"Yeah man, what an emo ass"
by Cissified April 30, 2022
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the gayest name in the world.
If your name is Alex, then you are most definitely not straight
Person 1: “Hey, that guy likes men!”
Person 2: “Well no shit, his name is Alex.”
by Definitely not Alex. November 20, 2021
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Alex is an intelligent and good looking guy all round he is epic
Person 1: Hey is that an alex?
Person 2 no i dont see him but if you’re talking about the real alex he’s amazing
by Omega_boi November 13, 2020
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Stupid ass hoe that stole your friend from you and changed him into an annoying ass fuck
by Jonson McNally November 23, 2019
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A bitch that manipulates her friends. Beware of people called Alex they will destroy your life and blackmail you with whatever they find. She usually is flat but body shames other people, she calls everyone a slut but herself. She has an annoying friend group whom she controls.
John: "That bitch Alex told everyone my crush."
Sally: "Yeah, last time I left her with my stuff, she went through my messages."
by Thathater May 3, 2022
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Cute, and boring sometimes, you really need to do something in order for him to react. He laughs at almost everything and all the girls like him.
Girl, "Ugh, why is Alex hanging out with her.
Girl 2, "Ikr
*Alex throws pinecone at friend and misses.
by Wolfpup4224 January 22, 2020
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