In cod you get headshot someone is guaranteed to say they gave you a haircut.
P2: i gAvE hIm a HAiRcuT.
by Cockhandler67 March 30, 2021
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When you ejaculate on a cancer patients head under going kemo therapy and rubbing the jizz on the bald head and make it like a hairline
Yo I gave that bitch a haircut last night

Randy gave that girl in room 201 a haircut😏
by epichpap69 January 7, 2023
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Anyone who is getting a hair gets to choose what seat he or she sits in.
He sat in the front for his haircut privilege.
by Martin Letevi September 18, 2021
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A haircut that makes somebody look like sonic the hedgehog.
Guy-He/she has a knuckles haircut, like knuckles the echidna from sonic the hedgehog.
Other guy-Man shut the fuck up, you get online and say shit about somebody, why don't you tell them about their knuckles hair?
Guy- I'm fuckin scared of him/her, why do you think I don't say nothing except online man? I'm fuckin scared to say the shit I say online in real life, I'm too embarrassed to do anything, fuck.
Other guy- Yea, you a fuckin racist hater, I knew it, you fuckin bitch.
Guy- Don't tell anybody I'd be too embarrassed.
by Solid Mantis November 29, 2019
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A generic haircut men wore from the beginning of time until the mid 1980’s when mullets came in to play.
Dougs here for the regular haircut. He has to get the regular haircut because that’s what his dads had forever
by Route Specialist June 17, 2022
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When a girl is struggling with pubic hair drastic action is required.

The man fills her clunge with martini (or other spirits) then instead of drinking from her excessively furry cup…. Lights a match and singes her carpet before entering her.
Roger : I went to see that girl last night that’s allergic to Razors.

TONY : What did you do?

Roger : I gave her a pink martini haircut

Tony : great shout, I bet she has a lovely smooth snatch now
by STANDINGRICH December 28, 2022
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The popular yet annoying, longer type hair on teen guys that comes down to chin level and flicks out at the bottom.
Mitchel Musso from Hannah Montana rocks a Mess Hall Haircut.
by Ryudomo August 31, 2010
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