Reese is the most beautiful girl, but she doesn't know it. She is a very Loving and Compassionate girl who will do anything for someone she loves, even if that means changing herself. She is normally the center of attention, good or bad. She loves to start drama for others but them walk away and watch.She is mainly used for her beautiful body which is what causes her insecurity. She is very shy around people she doesn't know, but when you get to know her she is a bad ass who loves to kiss and tell. She is a wonderful girl inside and out but is to insecure to realize it. She tries hard to fit in because her worst fear is being forgotten or worthless so make her feel loved.
"Look at Reese over there getting all the attention, smh."
Reese: *walks by*

All the boys: "Damnnnn"
by h♡e June 1, 2019
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Reese is a wonderful girl to be around. She is smart, nice, and just amazing overall. She knows when to be sympathetic, but, she doesn't know how. She tries to make everyone happy, but sometimes it doesn't work and she will feel bad about it.
¨Reese is so cute and nice, I should ask her out.¨
by The Name Definer IS HERE February 4, 2020
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Reese is the type of person that is just flat out annoying. They are just flat out begging for attention and popularity all the time. And they always need something happening to them, so they always make drama. Not only all of that but they are rude and lie about everything. I mean come on. Even through it is both and girl and boy name is sounds way better as a boy name. I mean it’s supposed to be a boy name.
Guy 1: What’s you type dude? Guy 2: Definitely not Reese.

Girl 1: Who’s the weirdest girl/boy in our grade! Girl 2: REESE DEFINITELY!
by Robby Franklins June 18, 2019
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Reese is the best person you will ever meet. She is so gorgeous and hot at the same time. She does not have any idea how beautiful she is. She is totally boy crazy and needs a guy friend at all times! She is always down for whatever. She is sensitive about the little things and knows to think before she acts. Reese is the best!
by StayinyourLane May 4, 2020
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A male who struggles to attain bitches
Beta male:bro Jessica rejected me
Sigma Chad: your such a reese lol
Alpha king: your mom was reese-searching deez nuts lol
by Cho konma January 1, 2022
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reese is a nice dude but can often get angry but its hard to get him angry. he is making friends but is lonly sometimes.
"hey look its reese he's nice but has anger issues."
by aspecterwolf April 9, 2022
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