soeaking as an american, shittiest diet in the world, i try to eat healthy and do you know how hard it is to find shit thats lowfat or low sodium in stores here? and then theres the 40 FUCKING PERCENT OF PEOPLE!! who are fat fucks here, and no i dont care about bodyshaming, if you have a condition i get it and am not insulting you but 99% of overweight fucks in america dont, they just eat fucking mcdonalds and never work out
american diet example: for the childhood obesity rate, its usually not a ten year olds fault that he is fat, they dont know how to eat correctly because their fucking parents feed them mcdonalds every fucking day which causes them to get made fun of and become insecure, then people wonder why they become anorexic in highschool, this should be considered child abuse you fucking dipshit soccer moms
by yallfocusonthewrongshit October 20, 2021
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She went out with John on Wednesday and Peter on Thursday, she loves her american style dating.
by fluffy7 April 12, 2014
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Making and attempt to politely leave a party while considerably drunk. Often against the will of other party-goers and who may try to physically stop the endeavor. Similar to the Canadian Goodbye.
The group of women at the front door stopped his American Exit.
by Foreskingamer69 February 5, 2023
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Kraft American cheese singles great to make grilled cheeses with.
Recipe: take two slices of bread
Take two slices of Kraft singles American cheese, put the cheese on the bread, heat up on a stove with butter on each side of the bread, heat up til cheese is melted.
by Señorita.Estrellita August 29, 2018
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To say something racist or stupid while refusing to accept that they are wrong on so many levels.
Karen said she knew 2+2 is 5 because a Chinese man from Japan told her as all Asians are basically Chinese and good at math... she completely Americanned
by Chalkerz October 10, 2020
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An announcer that talks about basketball like it's boxing or something else. Though guys getting knocked out with a basketball would make an interesting sport, they don't have one like that yet, so you're either watching the basketball game everyone else is watching or you're watching a noxing match, because if you're trying to watch both at the same time while announcing one or the other, you're fucking with people's heads that are watching.
The All American announcer was talking about being able to feel that hit from up in his/her booth and how it cleaned out his sinuses, even though it wasn't a football game he was talking about, it was a basketball game.
by Solid Mantis April 14, 2021
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