Surveillance data in which technology has created an opportunity to monitor a millions of people. Currently with in an indiscriminate process in which a dragnet is placed over large amounts of data. With any kind of decency, considered one of the dirtiest words (phrase) in language.
A federal appeals court has ruled the National Security Agency’s bulk collection of millions of Americans’ phone records is illegal. The program was exposed by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden
by High and Low November 5, 2019
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a women who has sex w. many different races of baby daddys in order to produce a rainbow of children. or vice versa.

1/2 eskimo baby
1/2 indian baby
1/2 black baby
1/2 philipino baby, etc

they can also adopt ie: Angelina Jolie
"Did you see that latest pictures of Brangelina and their rainbow collection? Good thing they're rich to support all those kids!!"
by poetreeinmotion May 6, 2010
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A group of people that together, in numbers (a safe position), has the personality of a bully.
The collective bully was waving at and teasing that guy.
by The Original Agahnim December 18, 2021
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A group of people that thinks they are nice and unselfish, but is really a bully together.
He had broken free of the chokehold on his mind (and body) of the collective bully.
by Solid Mantis April 28, 2021
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A group of people that tries to push one person around.
A collective bully is still a bully, just like a collective asshole that seems like it has many nice and unselfish parts is still an asshole.
by Solid Mantis April 27, 2021
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A derogatory label for a person who prizes industry certifications above knowledge and capability.

Often such a person will set about collecting as many certifications as they can and proudly display them in their email signature and social network profiles. Typically they have a shallow understanding of areas in which they are certified, and are unable to display significant independent reasoning or understanding in those areas.

May also refer to the act of obtaining an industry certification.

Also known as "pokemon accreditation"; Gotta catch 'em all!
1. "I've interviewed five job applicants and every one of them is a collect-a-cert."

2. "I'm going to have to go 'collect-a-cert' to qualify for the next pay bracket"
by qwak May 10, 2013
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An absolute god tier collection of 200 cars on GTA V held by a player known as Tyres
"Woah look at that car"- person 1
"Yup thats straight out of Tyres car collection"- person 2
by WildWillez December 13, 2020
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