137 definitions by Baron Neville

Half baked Intellectualism refers to individuals whos only merit or credibility in relation with either political or social topics or matters lies explicitly upon their research and study and not backed with any level of first hand personal experience. therefore lacking any level of true or real incite and understanding of the mentioned topics or issues. Whereby they simply recite the works of others and thus fancy them selves to be knowledgeable and educated. Without having made any real contribution to the discussion or issue at hand.
The best way to summarise Half baked Intellectualism. Is to say that

Mike who has his whole life lived in a free society and thus has never experienced first hand the horrors of tyranny or subjugation, but has a Masters degree in political science. Writes a book addressing his views in relation with life under tyranny and suppression.
by Baron Neville June 21, 2015
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corservative (one who supports corservatism).


or (corporate conservatism) is inverse to conservatism, which defines upholding to traditional values and ideas committed to idealism. Whereas corservatism however is a centralized economic elitist movement dedicated exclusively to the pursuit of material wealth and gain, of a purely materialistic disposition void of idealistic attributes. Which is falsely represented and confused as traditional conservativism.
american conservatism today is by definition the epitome of corservatism.
by Baron Neville June 2, 2017
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corservative (one who supports corservatism).


or (corporate conservatism) is inverse to conservatism, which defines upholding to traditional values and ideas committed to idealism. Whereas conservatism however is a centralized economic elitist movement dedicated exclusively to the pursuit of material wealth and gain, of a purely materialistic disposition void of idealistic attributes. Which is falsely represented and confused as traditional conservativism.
american conservatism today is by definition the epitome of corservatism.
by Baron Neville June 2, 2017
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defines a set of idealistic normative values and principles which comprise the culture of organic idealism. Which maintains that the essence of what is inherent, defines that which is inherently also essential.
esseology defines the principle of pursuing only those essentialities which both sustain and improve the quality of one's life and are in line with the balance of one's organic environment.
by Baron Neville July 4, 2019
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Discriminatism is a act of violence or aggression stemming from discrimination towards a specific group or citizen body with in society. Committed either Overtly or Covertly.
Discriminatism can be based on race, gender, faith, age, social, class, or political standing .

Discriminatism a violent act committed ( Overtly or Covertly ) against ethnic minorities.

Discriminatism a violent act committed ( Overtly or Covertly ) against the elderly in Nursing homes.

Discriminatism a violent act committed ( Overtly or Covertly ) against one group by another, simply based on there religious beliefs
by Baron Neville January 3, 2014
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is a term used to describe certain evasive consistent symmetry attributes which are subversively planted within the subconsciousness of the social group. With the sole purpose of instilling within society a preconditioned cognitive representation in relation with how the social group response either enthusiastically or with indifference to specific words or phrases in relation to any given political, social or even religious subject. Its intended function is to simulate a reaction very much like that of Metadata or Meta Tags or (Metadata) which are essentially designed to create or to recognise certain keywords pertaining to any given document or information etc.
Mike and John respond with enthusiasm to certa9n aspects of a speech at a convention whereby the language used, is in line or in accordance with what is socially perceived as the norm, and in contrast respond with disinterest to those portions of the speech, which use language that deviates away from what can be categorized as outside the box. There responding entirely upon how they have been in a social context programmed to respond instinctively to a certain language. Instead of assessing the viability of any given subject based on its merits and substance, a perspective which is intuitive-norm.
by Baron Neville July 4, 2017
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Racial chauvinism, makes reference to the extreme racial preference made by either an individual or group within society towards one specific race. Racial chauvinism, cannot be mistaken with National chauvinism, for the simple fact that racial chauvinism, as opposed to the later, does not refer to any sense of national pride or national culture. But rather refers only to the precedence of a specific race within a community or society.
Racial Chauvinism is the fundamental component or element of Nazism.
by Baron Neville June 15, 2015
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