The sudden and intense feeling of disgust for eggs that unexpectedly arises while eating eggs.
I cannot finish these eggs. I just got the “egg ick”.
by enterprise1701 December 31, 2022
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Another way to say XD in a more immitating way. Many people who are into memes use it.
Pink Guy : "I have 'e got the 'e sauce b0ss"
Idubbbz : "Eggs dee"
by ArmanTheZarman February 1, 2017
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When you define a small problem as a big problem.
- I'm desperate, my SUV is dirty
- So sad! it's an elephant in egg!
by Altiplano September 2, 2006
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When you drink a bottle of hot sauce wait 1 hour then Than pry your girlfriends sleeping eyes open and shit equally on each eye ball you may garnish around eye with chillie powder or parsley if for looks if desired.
My girl made me so mad last night so instead of hate screwing her ass hole I made her some deviled eggs.
by blumpkin25 February 8, 2015
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Pants worn way above the ass crack, makes an ass look like an egg when viewed from behind. Common in older women and men, accented heavily when pants have no pockets.
Dad, those jeans got to go! You got a high egg!
by turdtired March 19, 2009
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Swollen lump from a major goonx, often on the shin or ankle, or on the elbow, where it would more likely be known as a swellbow or chimichanga. The sign of a ripe goonxegg is when you can feel the fluid filled pouch bounce up and down as you walk.
I'm only wearing one sock because the other wouldn't fit over my goonx egg
by Urby Ambcock January 18, 2007
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a poopoo egg is a chocolate egg but smells weirdly different. Poopoo eggs are layed by chickens only on poopoo egg month which is June.
Kale: bruh my chicken just layed a poopoo egg
Lee. Always happens on poopoo egg month mate.
by Your step brother June 1, 2020
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