when your vagina is swollen from estrus
Do you know how the mouse is in estrus? Her vagina smiling from all the stimulation of males in the room.
by Diva de Disco September 30, 2013
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When you Funnel a liter of sprite down a woman’s vagina
Yeet is that fetus carbonated vagina
by Oink nigga April 26, 2020
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Basically a guy that lacks communication and cries when things don’t go their way bc they’re little bitches.
why Did Tito subtweet me instead of talking to me about the problem? Because he’s vagina built.
by Vagina built March 26, 2020
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The blood that comes out of a womans vagina when said woman is on her period.
Damn, my Vagina Jelly was crazy last night
by TheDic-TionaryMan September 11, 2017
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when a man inserts his penis into a women's va jay jay, and it is so deep, her contractions force him to fly across the room.
Bro, when I did it with Jessica, her vagina was like a springy vagina.
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A similar sound to the Queff.
When her vagina air blowed it sounded like a jack hammer, and that's how Jack hammered her.
by Reaper_kitten October 27, 2016
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Someone who wants sex so much it is a driving factor in their decision making process
Amber knew she should social distance, but that insatiable vagina meant she was going dancing with him anyways.
by 121peekon October 8, 2020
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