a males penis of extreme length/girth. usually put into use on minge monday or tattyby thursday
'ah man she smoked my womb wiper for hours on minge monday'
by Mikey'minge monday' c February 2, 2009
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A slang term for impregnating an already impregnated woman.
Jon: Yo, I wombed that woman last night in the vents! It was pretty sus when I was wombing her.
Miles: jon what the fuck this is an among us game
by 0oSexGamero0 February 25, 2022
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I pleasured her for seconds with my womb canoe.
by Fwerp December 11, 2020
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Mom who can't let go, maintains a Stalin-like rule upon all things that have exited from her womb.
Going underground, my mom has gone all Womb Ranger on me and is screening my texts.
by Julie the Wife March 13, 2012
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“Crazy how much better you get treated by a woman after she finds out you got a hearty womb rocker.” — Cheeba
by The Deaf Guy January 20, 2023
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When you put a poptart up a womens vagina so far she cums all over the pastry treat.
1. Yo dawg I’m about to finna pull a toaster in the womb.
2. Yo dawg this bitch needs a toaster in the womb.
3. Man: let’s have epic sex
Women: to make it even more epic how about you pull a toaster in the womb.
by Thesecowsbehellathicc March 31, 2019
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The reaction or feeling a woman has to an adorable baby that makes her want to have a baby. Hence, her womb is on fire.
When I saw the cute and adorable baby I immediately had womb fire.
by Nola Detroit August 7, 2018
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