Refers to a slow "nuzzley" relaxing walk shared by a pair of lovebirds where da nice guy never actually lets go from his initial embrace of da cutie who's shown up to honor him wif her pleasant companionship, either because he's so fond of her warm closeness that he doesn't ever wanna be even a fraction of an inch away from her during their entire time together, or else she showed up in tears over some distressing recent event, and so he wants to comfortingly ensure that she feels totally loved and safe during her visit with him.
Going for long walks wif a nice girl is pleasurable enough "as-is", of course, but snuggle-strolls are even nicer; extra points if (1) you maintain a tight lip-lock wif her during the entire walk, and (2) you're both naked; as we know, naked hugz are da best hugz, plus of course it allows you to share spontaneous sex-quickies if nobody is watching at da time. Just be sure to bring flip-flops along, though, in case your journey takes you over any rough ground where bare feet would be vulnerable; this keeps yer feet cleaner, as well, in case ya occasionally wanna plop yerselves down and give each other foot-rubz.
by QuacksO July 18, 2018
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When a girl hugs a guy and snuggles on his chest very sexually and lovingly while hugging or laying down on the guy’s chest when he’s laying down too.
She totally cat snuggled me and I like her now.

Boy: That was a good cat snuggle girl. Do you like me?
Girl: I wanna spend my whole life with you because you’re such a sweetheart babe.
Boy: I like you. You know that?
Girl: I already knew it.
by Justicewithtacosandweed August 12, 2018
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A.k.a. "sideways-hug" or "right-angle cuddle". It involves first standing next to the person whom you wish to canoodle with and using just one arm and hand to gently draw him over to you so that his chest is nestled against your side, afterwhich you affectionately tilt your head over against his and soothingly knead his back and shoulder-blades with your hand.
The sideways-snuggle can also loosely refer to a pleasurable position that you assume while canoodling with someone in bed; it's basically "half-spooning" the person, whereby you are turned on your side and nestling up against your lover, but he is either face-down or lying on his back, and so you are snuggling up to his side and have one arm (and often one leg, as well) affectionately draped over him. This "partial embrace" position is often employed during semi-hot weather, where the person still wants to cuddle wif you but would be too warm if he was totally spooning with you or fully nestling against you chest-to-chest.
by QuacksO August 18, 2018
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When you are spooning with another human being and one of you is topping the other; be it sexual or literally on top, asserting dominance.
I woke up and she was just laying on top of me, but we were still somehow spooning like some kind of power snuggle.
by Mejatron November 15, 2018
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