To make oneself comfortable, usually by moving closer to another person or thing. To embrace closely, as to show affection or offer warmth.
by Ingeborg S. Nordén August 26, 2004
1. V. To get close, cuddle, and lean against each other, usually while sitting.
2. N. A friend's current crush.
2. N. A friend's current crush.
1. I've snuggled with my boyfriend, but we haven't kissed yet.
2. Look, there goes Anna's snuggle. We should try to hook them up.
2. Look, there goes Anna's snuggle. We should try to hook them up.
by Maran May 27, 2006
I was feeling bad, so I snuggled with david.
by ninjagirl12 January 11, 2012
To engage in close embrace with another person. Usually in place of sex, especially if you think Bob Dole and those "E.D." commercials might be on to something.
To engage in close embrace with another person. Usually in place of sex, especially if you think Bob Dole and those "E.D." commercials might be on to something.
by dude February 19, 2003
by razaac July 28, 2010
by chOad March 16, 2005