113 definitions by Justicewithtacosandweed

Someone who plays Need For Speed: Heat.
Ever since Need For Speed: Heat has just been released last week, I become a total heater and cannot stop playing.
by Justicewithtacosandweed December 16, 2019
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Currently the best car right now.

It made its ultimate debut in the 2019, Need For Speed: Heat.
I finally unlocked the K.S. Polestar 1, and it’ sexy but really fucking slow!
by Justicewithtacosandweed December 16, 2019
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To edit screenshots of tv shows in order to improve it. Commonly in a sexualized way.
There was this image mod of Peridot from Steven Universe twerking, and everyone appears to be mistaking it for a real scene from the show. That’s what happens when you image mod stuff.
by Justicewithtacosandweed December 16, 2019
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Someone who posts too much on reddit and annoys people with excessive posts on the site to the point where they’re nearly banned from every subreddit due to it.
We have to deal with this Redicide freak who won’t stop spamming our board
by Justicewithtacosandweed August 10, 2018
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Someone who serial bar hops in a single night and are really good at acting not drunk so the bartenders will serve them more.
He was a total Easter bunny he literally blackout in the street next to the Rusty Bird Cage.
by Justicewithtacosandweed August 12, 2018
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The act of stuffing the back fabric of your yoga pants or your compression shorts so that it shows off your butt more to appear as if naked but in the pants.
I did some cheeking through town to see if anyone noticed me. And they did for sure. I got lots of compliments along the way.
by Justicewithtacosandweed August 10, 2018
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The creator of mods for Need For Speed games and the forefather or the Need For Speed modding culture.
Person 1: nfsu360 has just made map mods of Rockport and Palmont for Carbon and Most Wanted!
Person 2: They are literally gods!
by Justicewithtacosandweed August 8, 2018
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